Sunday, November 26, 2017

Identifying Your Challenges and Obstacles

"An unfortunate aspect of life is that we often create obstacles, usually unconsciously, that may serve some sort of immediate purpose, but end up being long-term liabilities.
You may need to step back and consider that you're getting in your own way".
(excerpt from Mastering the Best You Personal Development Course)
Often times we don't know that we're getting in the way of progress. We wonder why things are not progressing for us even though we are doing all the right it seems. But have you ever though that maybe, just maybe we are self-sabotaging our own gains? Sometimes we have to step back and take an inventorying of our thoughts, surroundings and what are goals truly are. We have to be patient and set timelines of what we want to achieve. We have to make sure that we are not getting in our own way by making moves that are contrary to what we are trying to accomplish.
For instance are you trying to advance on your job but you and your boss can't seem to see eye to eye. Instead of taking the high road and keeping your goals in mind, you continue to respond sarcastically via email. Or you respond when you want to......self-sabotage. How about your hope is to one day compete in a 5K run, you need to loose a little weight but your love of all things fried and sweet won't allow you too......self-sabotage. Last one, you just recently got out of a relationship that was not healthy. You were verbally and mentally abused and now you want to help other women break free and find their voice but........when he/she calls you become weak and find yourself right back in the situation you thought you have gotten out of.........self-sabotage.
These are all obstacles that we have allowed to self-sabotage our progress. Trust me, we've all been there but we have to 1. recognize it for what it is GETTING IN OUR WAY OF PROGRESS. 2. Make a conscious decision to recognize what the challenge is and find ways to move in the opposite direction. 3. Make up in your mind that you are not going to allow anyone, anything and not even yourself to get in the way of you realizing your goals. It can be hard to break old habits, but the old saying goes WHEN YOU KNOW BETTER, YOU DO BETTER!
Stay tuned for the Master The Best You Personal Development Course for a more in-depth understanding of Identifying Your Challenges and Obstacles.
Sonya Cooke
Life Strategist and Mentor

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Importance of Mentors

Mentor: an experienced and trusted adviser

Mentors play an important role in the life and the development of young girls and women. A mentor described above is a older trusted adult that can provide sound advice, guidance and encouragement. Mentors often have the uncanny ability to help us become more than we thought we could be; they  encourage us to stretch ourselves outside our comfort zones, to open our minds to new ways of thinking, and help us realize that the world is much broader and more diverse than our little corners of it.

Well isn't that role reserved for the parents?

Yes....but as parents who are willing to provide guidance to our kids and always have their best interest at heart, sometimes our children find it hard to talk to us about some things. They find some topics embarrassing, they feel they may get in trouble discussing some topics, or they're convinced that their parents are old fogies that just wouldn't understand. That's where mentors come in.

Today mentors are especially important for young girls trying to navigate through life littered with images that are contrary to real life issues. As girls try to find their way through adolescents, they face the challenges of moving through physical, psychological, sexual, and emotional development with a healthy sense of self worth intact. A mentor at this stage in a girl's life can have a
wide-ranging impact on her successfully navigating those years to adulthood.

A mentor-mentee relationship provides a protected space for the adult woman and the girl/young woman to connect through shared experiences. The mentor has the opportunity and privilege of offering feedback, teaching, affirming, empowering, motivating, guidance and support. Other benefits of mentoring include improved confidence, leadership, and communication for both parties.

As you can see, mentors play and important roll in shaping a young girls life. Make sure that you trust them, that the mentor you/or your daughter chooses reinforces your morals and values. Make sure that they don't diminish your role as a parent but enhances it by reinforcing family values and encouraging the teen to honor the relationship with her parents. That if your daughter choose to emulate anyone other than you, you would be proud.

Be A Mentor, Find A Mentee

Monday, November 6, 2017

Stay Focused

In your pursuit towards Personal Development you have to continue to remind yourself to stay focused and not get sidetracked by the distractions that try to get in the way of reaching your goals and success.

In our day to day lives we have projects that we complete daily to get us to our end goal. Most days we can never go without a distraction that pulls us away from our planned assignment. Whether it's the kids needing care, or a spouse/significant other needing your attention......interruptions will always be around the corner. That will happen from time to time and it's ok.
One thing we have to remember is that in life we will always have things and situations that will try and take our mind off what's important. With social media, phone calls that interrupt, a family emergency or a last minute deadline that you forgot about on your job; interruptions are the norm

We have to make sure that our goals are priority number one. We also cannot let these distractions get us down and mess with our confidence in terms of getting fed up and quitting. Just know that there will always be obstacles and challenges that get in your way.

Make sure that you don't allow them to stand in the way of progress. Remember STAY FOCUSED!