Tuesday, June 27, 2017


In times past, women shared a lot more than they do today. They shared caring for their babies, they gathered food and cooked together. The women and the children shared their lives intimately, and were a source of strength and comfort to each other on a daily basis. Women depended on one another for strength and nurturing of shared families. Women cared for one another in sickness, they help birthed each others children; they were so close oftentimes their menstrual cycles were synced (red tent traditions). Those are times long gone. In more recent times we have gotten away from being connected to our fellow sister. We are more isolated in our homes and lives, caring for our children with little help or no support  from our sisters and families. Some women don't have a support system at all, hence the term "latch key kids". Their is more stress on a single mother, and even married women feeling as if they have no help or release.

It's time to get back to SISTERHOOD! I know that most of us are raising children and taking care of our husbands and home but we have to make time and the opportunity to come together with our sisters and get the much needed girl time, healing and laughter that we most desperately need in our lives.

I recall when I met my girlfriend Yolanda, she's a few years older than myself so she was like a big sister. I was drawn to her because of her style, outgoing personality and she was a go getter in her career and when I really got to know her I noticed that she was surrounded by an amazing group of women. These were women that she had grown up with, known since elementary school and have amazing memories with that have taken them into adulthood. These are women that also welcomed me into their fold of sisterhood......thank you Yolanda, Sheila, Leslie, Gina, Deidra and Trachelle and so many more. There is no competition among these women and I believe it's because they have their own identities, they're secure in who they are and they have a genuine love for one another. Now that's not to say they don't have their disagreements but because of the bond that they share it doesn't disrupt the friendship that they have. That's true sisterhood. These are the types of relationships that we should all be looking for and cultivating, friendships that build us up and not tear us down. Relationships that are strong during the good and the bad times, trusting and nurturing, friendships that just don't take but gives just as much.

I have gained a few new relationships that I hope to cultivate into long lasting friendships. I always want to be surrounded by women that want to empower, motivate and inspire each other to the point of envy from others. Not envy in a bad way but envy in a way that other women want the same thing. It's not impossible. We are in a culture where it's acceptable to be jealous of another woman for superficial reasons. It's ok to gossip, fight and backbite other women to the point where it gets violent......that is not acceptable and we cannot allow the next generation of young women to believe that it is. It is possible to have good, loving, lifelong friends that have your back and love you unconditionally. That's what we need to strive for ladies and we should not give up until we have a tribe of women celebrating one another in the streets!

Thank you Rhuperdia, Sis. Kim, Monica, Annette, Mrs. Zenobia, Kelsey, and Tiffany for the love, support, and encouragement that you give.


  1. Sonya,

    What a pointed article on sisterhood. I am humbled to be included. It is you who's the encourager. I am grateful that our paths have crossed. It was indeed a pleasure to have you as my guest on yesterday's podcast. Here's wishing you all of the BEST, always!

  2. Thank you so much, the pleasure was all mine.
