Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A Woman's Strength

Why do we give so freely to others what we so desperately need to give ourselves? We love and care for others asking no questions, we give our time and compassion while neglecting our every need. We abandon our health, our peace of mind, our energy and so much more. We put our heart on the line without knowing the rules while we agree to play the game. Have we not earned the prize by putting others first? Taking care of a sick spouse or significant other, a child, a parent/family members and even strangers all the while needing a reassuring word, a hug, a thank you, or I appreciate you. At what point do we stop and realize that we're going to break down if we don't start putting our health and wellbeing first? 

It starts with fatigue, then a lingering cold that turns into the flu or some other health ailment. We start to gain weight due to improper nutrition and lack of sleep and exercise. 

Our mind is in shambles because we fail to slow down, relax and care for the one person that matters the most......YOU!

It's not selfish to put yourself first; sometimes it’s absolutely necessary, a moment to think and get clarity on the day’s event, a sit-down home cooked meal, a relaxing bubble bath and getting to bed early to get at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep. We need that more than ever. I'm sure we've all heard the saying "you can't give from an empty cup". That saying is so true.

A woman’s strength can lead to her frailty and ineffectiveness.

If you continue to play the role of savoir to all, you will find that you will be the one that will need saving.


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